
In her book The Well-Trained Mind, Susan Wise Bauer says: ‘The world is full of knowledge, and finding the links between fields of study can be a mind-twisting task. A classical education meets this challenge by taking history as its organizing outline — beginning with the ancients and progressing forward to the moderns in history, science, literature, art and music.’

Each month, the NEO Ad Libitum
1 calendar will highlight events throughout Northeastern Ohio which follow this classical framework and the coursework at Heritage Study Center. Think of it as your gateway to experiencing ‘de nobis fabula narratur’2.

If you know of an event not listed, please leave a comment. If you are attending an event, please also leave a comment. And don't forget to check the ‘ride board’ for carpooling. Additionally, mark your calendars for future post-event ‘salons’ to encourage conversation - and perhaps even debate.

Carpe diem3 - and may your days in exploration be dulce et utile4.

1. ad libitum: according to what pleases, ‘as you wish’
2. de nobis fabula narratur: about us is the story told, ‘their story is our story’
3. carpe diem: seize the day (Horace)
4. dulce et utile: a sweet and useful thing, ‘enjoyable and instructive’ (Horace)

NEO AD LIBITUM ---------------------------------------------- For the week of 6 January - 12 January

For the week of 13 January - January 19

Friday, 13 January
Saturday, 14 January
Sunday, 15 January
Monday, 16 January
Thursday, 19 January

For the week of 20 January - January 26

Saturday, 21 January